Corporate Courses

If you look for a seminar for the executives or employees of your company, and if you understand the limiting nature of beliefs (see my book) and their negative influence on the functioning of your company, I can devise a bespoke course for your organization.

At some stage, most companies face some difficulties either coming from the market and its fluctuations or from bad management choices, mismanagement of the company’s growth or by a management or executive team being too shy… At any time, a company has to make choices and each of its choices is dictated by the beliefs of all employees, from top to bottom. The beliefs of individuals become the beliefs of the company itself because a company is always the sum of all its elements.

By working with your employees on the beliefs of the group, by showing them how to release these of their unconscious programming and by motivating them to do all of this, I can contribute to the changes that you wish to see in your company.

If this is of interest to you, please contact me at the following email address: – so that we can discuss your needs and find a bespoke and ideal solution.